24 October 2020
Woomargama Station is delighted to be one of the specified Birds on Farms monitoring sites.
Four specific sites have been chosen on the property. The “birders,” both trained ornithologists and extremely knowledgeable enthusiasts, arrive early in the morning. Each site is counted for exactly 20 minutes only with one of the crew being the scribe. Birds outside the specific monitoring zone are also recorded but excluded from the zone.
It is fascinating to watch the experts at work; birdsong and bird chatter often alerts them to the presence of a bird some distance away. Birds are then visually identified using binoculars.
We have also been lucky enough to have a Birds on Farms group come to the Covenant Country one bleak and windy day. Their patience was thankfully rewarded, (birds are no fools and take cover on days like those), with the siting of a Hooded Robin. These understory birds are becoming rarer with the removal of understory from farms.
Of the 27 potential threatened and endangered species that might be found at Woomargama Station, Birds on Farms have specifically identified 10 on the property. We are also delighted to say that the group eventually found our two barking owls which, although noisy at night, hide away and are hard to find during the day.
Birds on Farm Winter Survey 20 June 2022
Jacksons Central BOF- T2053 9.48 AM
Australian Magpie 15
Black – Shouldered Kite 4
Eastern Rosella 3
Pacific Black Duck 7
Galah 32
Grey Fantail 1
Superb Fairy-wren 14
Golden – Headed Cisticola 1
Little Pied Cormorant 2
Noisy Miner 1
Red Wattlebird 1
White – Faced Heron 1
White-necked Heron 1
Weebil 2
Yellow Thornbill 1
Red-Browed Finch 1
Laughing Kookaburra 2
White – throated Gerygone 1
Crop Paddock BOF – T2054 11.11 AM
Welcome Swallow 14
Pacific Black Duck 4
Flame Robin 2
White – plumed Honeyeater 2
Brown Treecreeper 3
Eastern Rosella 10
Little Corella 1
Sulphur Crested Cockatoo 3
Australian Wood Duck 1
Fuscous Honeyeater 1
Magpie-lark 1
Crimson Rosella 2
Jacky – winter 4
Willie Wagtail 2
Red Wattlebird 1
Superb Fairy-wren 7
Australian Raven 6
White – bellied Cuckoo – shrike 1
South Woolshed BOF – T2068 12.30 PM
Willie Wagtail 1
Superb Fairywren 8
Diamond Firetail 2
White – winged Chough 10
Eastern Rosella 2
White – plumed Honeyeater 5
Red – browed Finchl 2
Little Pied Cormorant 1
Rose Robin 4
Grey Fantail 6
Stubble Quail 5
Scarlet Robin 2
Laughing Kookaburra 2
White – throated Treecreeper 1
Australian Magpie 2
Sulphur – crested Cockatoo 1
Homestead BOF – T2067 2.22 PM
Red – browed Finch 30
Flame Robin 6
Superb Fairywren 16
Red – rumped Parrot 13
Australian Magpie 2
Galah 6
Welcome Swallow 4
Scarlet Robin 2
White – plumed Honeyeater 6
Masked Lapwing 2
Australian Wood Duck 9
Satin Bowerbird 2
Pacific Black Duck 7
Australian White Ibis 1
Common Blackbird 1
Straw – necked Ibis 1
Dusky Moorhen 1
Australasian Grebe 6
White – throated Treecreeper 4
Golden Whistler 1
Sulphur – crested Cockatoo 2
Hoary – headed Grebe 1