Science is at the forefront of all we do
Healthy soils mean healthy animals. Woomargama Station works closely with our agronomist to soil test and measure nutrient density, soil acidity and to make decisions as to which pastures are best to grow in each paddock.
Environmental rectification and sustainability are whole farm priorities. The Station has worked with ANU Sustainable Farms to showcase our creek restoration to local farmers and Landcare groups. The next project involves increasing the number of dams that are fenced off to wildlife and putting in troughs for stock. ANU continues to monitor bird species and their numbers in these areas.
We are about to embark on a project with La Trobe University’s Centre for Future Landscapes on ‘Natural Capital Accounting’ so that the health of the property’s natural assets such as tree cover, topsoils and waterways conservation can be added to the assets of the farm in the accounts.
Our vision is to build a small environmentally friendly scientific research station on the property where scientists can come and stay and conduct field research on the property.