30 years and 100,000 trees
Woomargama Station has worked with the Holbrook Landcare Network for 30 years. During this time, we have pllanted over 100,000 trees and restored over 6km of waterways. This means we retain our topsoils, stop creek erosion, reduce mistletoe and dieback in paddock trees, and provide shelter for our stock from heat, frost, rain and wind.
Fencing off creeks and dams and providing trough water to stock in many paddocks stops the erosion of banks and reduces silt build up and turbidity in the water. Reeds can then grow in these waterways, providing habitat for fish such as the endangered Pygmy Perch. Creeks also then retain water holes for wildlife during drought.
Conservation requires education. Over the years, Woomargama Station has showcased its work with Landcare, including hosting 100 participants in the agricultural industry in our wool shed.
Our most recent plantings have been in partnership with Landcare and WOODiWILDiwild. WOODiWILD encourages children to buy a tree and follow its growth. The program has led to the planting of 4000 trees on Jagger’s Hill where old stringy barks were struggling with topsoil erosion and the cattle eating their bark.