“The Jewel in the Crown” of the Property
The Woomargama Station Woodland is an important example of an endangered box woodland habitat, of which only 5% is left in southern Australia.
Much of this native woodland country has been cleared for farming. Indigenous management of the landscape involved “cool” burning, which aided hunting, reduced fire fuel load, created open grassland for grazing marsupials and habitat for woodland bird species. Today, a managed grazing program by our cattle and sheep help us maintain a similar ecosystem.
The Woomargama Woodland of 600 hectares – one third of the property – is managed under covenant by the Biodiversity Conservation Trust (BCT). Before placing the Covenant on this part of the property, the Nature Conservation Trust (precursor to the BCT) undertook a Bioblitz. Scientists from Australian National University and Charles Sturt University, along with ecologists from the Nature Conservation Trust and Aboriginal rangers from the National Parks Service, managed the biodiversity mapping and were assisted by 170 school children and local volunteers.
The Covenant is an important legacy to future generations.